Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Well... Here I am day 1.
So far it has been pretty frustrating. Gt here about 11 and they placed a PICCs in my arm. A PICC is a tube that runs in a vein from my bicept to the top of my heart. They use this tube for everything. They take all my blood work from it and put all the chemo drugs into it. This helps keep all the drugs from wearing out my veins. Anyway, putting the PICC tube took all of 15 minutes then I sat around for hours while they pumped me full of fluids. Shawn hung out with me for a while which helped the time go by. At about 4 I finally got a room, number 1116, and now I am hanging out here.
The first drug they are giving me is dicarbonzine(sp?). Apparently it will make me fell like a have the worst case of the flue ever. Oh-boy!
They gave me a valium. It is starting to take effect. Got a pretty good buzz going.

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